
High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails

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See me: POSETTE, free, virtual conf. 6/11 at 11 AM PDT! Plus: IndieRails, Ship It!, Hacking Postgres, & RailsConf. — #12

Issue #12 — June 2024 POSETTE (happening now!) POSETTE 2024 is a free virtual conference from Microsoft, on topics related to PostgreSQL, June 11-13. I'm honored to be presenting on June 11, at 11 AM PDT (6PM UTC)! If you're receiving this before then, please consider joining the recording and live Q&A session for SaaS on Rails on PostgreSQL! I'd really appreciate seeing you there! Selfie just after recording for POSETTE 2024 Presenting at RailsConf 2024 I presented a two-hour workshop at...

Issue #11 — March 2024 🐘 PostgreSQL and 💎 Rails Consulting Andrew presenting at PgDay Chicago 2023 In January I announced on Twitter and more recently on LinkedIn, that I'm working as an independent consultant. This is my new full-time career focus. I'm helping teams that use PostgreSQL and Rails solve their technical challenges. Since then, I've been hired by great clients like Podia and Clearscope for advice, recommendations, or to provide training to the full-time team. A few more clients...

Issue #02 — Update June 13, 2023 Technical Reviewer Feedback Is In! 📰 Andy presenting on table partitioning at PGDay Chicago 2023. Hi everyone. Thanks for taking a couple of minutes to check this out. Hope your summer is going well so far! If you missed the first issue of this newsletter, click here for Issue #001. Postgres-wise, I had a very busy Spring. In the photo above I'm presenting at PGDay Chicago 2023 back in April which was great. I wrote up my conference experience and it's linked...

Issue #01 — Update May 19, 2023 Hey, how's it going? 😎 The weather is finally not awful here in Minneapolis, MN, USA. 📚 Book Updates Chapters 1-6 are now in technical review After technical review, we'll prepare for the Beta release, possibly by July or August We're still editing chapters 7-13 I've excited to see that so many reviewers have been able to take on the significant time investment. Thank you! 📣 Recent Activities Last week I set up to advertise the book before it...